December 2024
Each year around this time Jenk asks me if I have started our Christmas letter. This year I asked him if he had done it already – which caused him to chuckle. He always says that he hates writing… This was obvious when he set about writing his Master’s thesis when we first knew each other – it took him 6 years to finish it. He loved the research but hated the writing part… That has not changed.
Once again the year seems to have flown by. January was partially taken up by my recovering from my December hospitalization, and then it was time for my birthday. It was supposed to be just a dinner for two, with Sheila and Mike offering to join us. Then when we got to the restaurant I was surprised by the arrival of Marc and Leslie. Earlier that day I had spoken with Beth in Austin on Facetime. She had asked me what kind of cake I had requested – which was chocolate. Then just as the drinks were being served who waltzed in but Beth – who had flown in with a homemade chocolate cake! What a lot of surprises!
March brought another short hospitalization for me, but we looked forward to the arrival of Katianna and Bjorn (from Finland) for their spring vacation and our family celebration of both Easter and Beth and Allyson’s 40th birthdays! “Uncle Marc” and Bjorn spent time going to see Dinosaur exhibitions. and Julian and Beth arrived in time to spend a few days with us all. Beth, Katianna and Sheila all helped us to plan the long-awaited redo of our guest bathroom which was finally completed after all the company left.
On May 22 we flew up to Vancouver with Sheila and Mike to take off on a cruise to Alaska. This was our second time in the 49th state but we saw different places. Amazingly the weather was nearly always good, with just one rainy day in Juneau. My favorite excursion was the train to the Yukon. There was lots of snow, but none that got in our way. We saw a grizzly, several moose, caribou, mountain goats and other creatures. Having my “new eyes” following cataract surgery allowed me to really enjoy so much of the wonderful scenery.
When our ship docked Sheila and Mike traveled up to Fairbanks in the fabulous domed railcar – which we had done on our previous trip. Jenk and I rented an SUV and set out to see Wrangell St. Elias National Park – a seldom seen part of the state. A highlight of this side trip was taking a dirt road (60 miles one way) to see a mill town that had been abandoned in the 1930’s. In spite of dire warnings about the road (along the former railway line) we made it and had a great experience even though the promised van didn’t arrive, but a kind employee from a nearby hotel gave a ride to us because he saw me struggling with my oxygen concentrator on wheels and a cane.
In June we celebrated Leslie’s graduation from College of the Canyons as a co-valedictorian!! Anthony also graduated with honors from UCLA. Leslie is now enrolled in a bachelor’s program in Psychology and Anthony is working as a substitute teacher. After these two events we began planning our next trip –first a week in Austin to help with Nathan’s recovery from surgery on his arm – which of course was fun for us as we had more time to spend with Julian, and then to Denver to celebrate our friend, Margaret’s 80th birthday. Traveling with multiple appliances has become more complicated.
At the end of September my German “sister” Margit and her husband Christian arrived from Germany. We met them in San Francisco with our rented Ford Explorer – to have room for 4 adults, luggage, two oxygen concentrators, a wheeled walker and my new (wonderful) portable electric wheelchair. Over the next 3 weeks we drove (slowly) as far north as Bellingham, Washington, where we spent a wonderful evening with my cousin Laura Kalpakian. The itinerary was planned by Christian leaving Margit and me to sit in the back seat and enjoy our time together. We often stayed along the ocean with great views of the colorful trees. My electric wheelchair gave me back some independence to see what I wanted.
Jenk continues to serve on the board of directors for the condo complex where we own a rental. Otherwise he enjoys spending hours working on his genealogy. He also works in the yard and drives me to my appointments as I need help with my equipment. He also enjoys following the political situation in the U.S. and abroad.
Now we are gearing up to welcome Beth, Nathan, Julian and Monte (our grand-dog) for a few weeks. Luckily Beth has brought Julian to see us a couple of times during the year as she worked out here, and we often visit via Facetime, but there is nothing to compare with real, rather than virtual hugs. And, as Juju would tell you he is now 3 years old!!! Even though Marc, Leslie and family live nearby we seldom manage to get together due to their schedules – and they would say due to our travels. 😊 Marc has returned to riding his bicycle (he even got a new one) and has ridden more than 800 miles since the end of summer.
I will attempt to attach a couple of photos from 2024. As I don’t get out much – other than doctor’s visits and physical therapy – I do have time to think about so many friends and family who have enriched our lives. We wish each of you many blessings and satisfaction with your lives – in spite of what the news tells us about the world situation.
Jenk and Patty