After graduating college, just ten days later I was drafted into the United States Army on February 4, 1969. It was a time of war in Vietnam. However, after basic training in Fort Bliss, in El Paso, Texas, I was transferred to Fort Huauchca, in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Thereafter I had a 17 day leave home before reporting to Fort Lewis, near Tacoma, Washington for deployment overseas to Korea for one year, two months and one week. On the way to Korea we landed in Tokoyo for refueling and I purchased a few slides not knowing if I'd get the chance to return to Japan or not. I landed in Korea on July 2, 1969 and left on September 7, 1970. Now 43 years later the slides have faded, but to protect as much as possible, I've digititzed the slides and placed them here. The first few slides are from Japan and were purchased by me, and the rest were taken in the beginning by a small instamatic Kodak camera. Near the end of my tour I did purchase a better camera as you will be able to tell as you look at the slides. I did my tour of duty at Support Command Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Division.
002 Tokyo
The Haneda Airport (July 1969) |
003 Tokyo
The monorail and Mt. Fugi (July 1969) |
006 Tokyo
Kasumigaseki Building (July 1969) |
008 Tokyo
The National Stadium (July 1969) |
009 Tokyo
The National Gymnasium (July 1969) |
010 Tokyo
The National Gymnasium Indoor Swimming Pool (July 1969) |
011 Tokyo
The Komazawa Sports Park (July 1969) |
012 Tokyo
The Tokyo Tower and Monorail
(July 1969) |
013 Tokyo
A night view of the Ginza (July 1969) |
Korea |
014 Tokyo
A night view of the Ginza (July 1969) |
015 Tokyo
Ginza street in the evening (July 1969) |
016 2nd Infantry Division
2nd Day in Korea (2 July 1969) |
19 Camp Ross Korea
2 July 1969 |
20 Camp Ross Korea
2 July 1969 - Beneath the flag poles in front of SUPCOM headquaters |
021 Camp Ross Korea at the 2-20 Service Club; my first Korean Floor Show (5 July 1969) |
022 Camp Ross Korea
Korean Folk Dance (5 July 1969) |
024 Camp Ross Korea
Notice the white paper swinging
(5 July 1969) |
025 Camp Ross Korea
Korean Folk Dance (5 July 1969) |
026 Camp Ross Korea
Drums in the background, drum sticks in hand, she could really beat those drums (5 July 1969) |
028 Camp Ross Korea
Flag poles in front of SUPCOM, United States, United Nations, and Korean flags |
029 Camp Ross Korea - From the hill above the Officers mess overelooking the rice paddies. Distant left is a small vilage. MSR (main supply route) in the background. Barb wire fence of Camp Ross in the foreground (Aug 1969) |
030 Camp Ross Korea - Inside the barracks (hootch) about midnight. I was on standby alert because of North Korean infiltrators (Aug 1969) |
031 Camp Ross Korea - Inside the hootch "Sergeant Major" our houseboy shines the boots (Aug 1969) |
032 Seoul, Korea - Kyungbok Palace -Toured Seoul with the service club group (Aug 1969) |
035 Seoul Korea - Map of Kyungbok Palace (Aug 1969) |
036 Seoul, Korea - monument inside grounds of Kyungbok Palace
(Aug 1969) |
038 Seoul, Korea - monument inside grounds of Kyungbok Palace
(Aug 1969) |
039 Seoul, Korea - Inside the grounds of Kyungbok Palace (Aug 1969) |
040 Seoul, Korea - On the bus ready to leave Seoul these kids posed for us.
(Aug 1969) |
041 Camp Ross, Korea - looking outside the compound towards the village across the rice paddies
September 1969 |
042 Camp Ross, Korea - looking outside the compound towards the village across the rice paddies
September 1969 |
043 Seoul, Korea - street
September 1969 |
044 Yonjugol, Korea - street
September 1969 |
046 Seoul, Korea - from the bus
September 1969 |
047 Seoul, Korea - street taken from cross-walk - notice bus stop
September 1969 |
048 Seoul, Korea - Edward J Winterberg, Korean Lieutenant, Jenk Stephenson -climbing Nam San Hill overlooking Seoul - September 1969 |
049 Seoul, Korea - climbing Nam San Hill - Korean lady selling dried crabs did not want her picture taken
September 1969 |
050 Seoul, Korea - Jenk Stephenson by the fountain in Nam San Park
September 1969 |
051 Seoul, Korea - Jenk Stephenson - overlooking Nam San Park and Seoul
September 1969 |
052 Seoul, Korea - Jenk Stephenson - overlooking Seoul
September 1969 |
053 Seoul, Korea - The cable care Jenk Stephenson rode - September 1969 |
054 Seoul, Korea- Taken from cable car coming off Nam San Hill
September 1969 |
055 Seoul, Korea - as seen thruogh the cable car window - September 1969 |
056 Camp Ross, Korea - picture of the compound - September 1969 |
057 Camp Ross, Korea - Ed Winterberg of Kentucky inside the "hootch" after the tennis match we played
September 1969 |
058 Camp Ross, Korea - Mac in Khaki and Chuck in fatigues wrestle in fun with houseboy we call Sgt major
September 1969 |
059 Camp Ross, Korea - looking out over rice paddies and small village
September 1969
060 Camp Ross, Korea - Looking south, notice the stair stepping of the rice paddies - September 1969 |
061 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson in a compound bunker
September 1969 |
062 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson in guard tower on the perimeter of the compound
September 1969 |
063 Camp Ross, Korea - Ready to leave for the DMZ - flak jacket with M-14 rifle
October 1969 |
064 DMZ Korea - OP Mazie obsrvation point (inside tower: this is similar to the DMZ fence) Oct 1969 |
065 DMZ Korea - walking up to OP Mazie Lookout over the DMZ
(Oct 1969) |
066 DMZ Korea - OP Mazie Obervation Point (Oct 1969) |
067 Jenk Stephenson on the DMZ Korea - North Korea in the background
Oct 1969 |
068 DMZ Korea: OP Mazie, North Korean side of sign (replica) Oct 1969 |
069 DMZ Korea: OP Mazie look out
Oct 1969 |
070 DMZ Korea: OP Mazie, M-14 rifle, field jacket with flak jacket underneath, North Korea in the background--this is a histile fire zone - October 1969 |
071 DMZ Korea - OP Mazie - bunker
October 1969 |
072 DMZ Korea: OP Mazie, sign with North Korea in background
October 1969 |
073 DMZ Korea: OP Mazie - Sign
October 1969 |
074 DMZ Korea: Looking from OP Mazie - October 1969 |
075 DMZ Korea: Taken from OP Mazie - a lonly look-out point in the distance with DMZ fence - North Korea in background - October 1969 |
076 DMZ Korea: From OP Mazie
October 1969 |
077 DMZ Korea: From OP Mazie
You can see part of the fence
October 1969 |
078 DMZ Korea - roads we traveled on
October 1969 |
079 Imjin River taken from Freedom Bridge - October 1969 |
080 Just south of Freedom Bridge, Imjin River in background - October 1969 |
081 From Charlie Block looking toward Munson and Imjin River
October 1969
082 On to of Charlie Block, fence that surrounds it. October 1969 |
083From Charlie Block looking toward Munson and Imjin River
October 1969 |
084 Korea: Charlie Block toward the Imjin River - rice patties - October 1969 |
085 Korea: From Charlie Block, through fence, toward a village - October 1969 |
086 Korea: on top of Charlie Block
October 1969 |
087 Korea: Jenk Stephenson on top of Charlie Block with flack jacket on, just back from DMZ - October 1969 |
089 Korea: Jenk Stephenson on top of Charlie Block with flack jacket on, just back from DMZ - October 1969 |
89x Korea: Jenk Stephenson on top of Charlie Block with flack jacket on, just back from DMZ - October 1969 |
090 Korea: On top of Charlie Block
October 1969 |
091Korea: On top of Charlie Block, a Chopper flying over - October 1969 |
092 Korea: On top of Charlie Block, see M14s lahyin on truck bed, thi sis the 2 1/2 ton truck we went to OP Mazie in and then to Charlie Block - Oct 1969 |
093 Yonjugol, Korea: main street - animals like this are used to work the fields - October 1969 |
094 Yonjugol, Korea: a typical street
October 1969 |
095 Yonjugol, Korea: MommaSon and BabySon - October 1969 |
096 Yonjugol, Korea - tpiccal street
October 1969 |
097 Yonjugol, Korea - tpiccal street
October 1969 |
098 Yonjugol, Korea - tpiccal street
October 1969 |
099 Yonjugol, Korea - Recreation Center #1 - Edward J Winterberg, 3rd from left after completing his first test in Taekwon-do (From white to yellow belt)
October 1969 |
100 Camp Hartell, Korea - 7th Infantry Division - Ronald White on my first trip to see him, outside his hootch - We had basic training together - October 1969 |
101 Camp Hartell, Korea - Ronald While and Jenk Stephenson - Ronald could wear civilian clothes and I could not - we were in different divisions
October 1969 |
102 Camp Hartell, Korea - 7th Infantry Divison - Ronald White with Charlie Block in the background - October 1969 |
103 Camp Hartell, Korea - Jenk Stephenson from 2n Infantry Divison with Charlie Block in the background
October 1969 |
104 Korea - just south of the Imjin River, a rice paddie near harvest time
October 1969 |
105 Korea - just south of the Imjin River, a rice paddie near harvest time
October 1969 |
106 Korea - Crossing the Imjin River on Freedom Bridge - this is hostile fire zone
October 1969 |
107 Korea - just south of the Imjin River, a rice paddie near harvest time
October 1969 |
108 Korea - Imjin River taken from Freedom Bridge - October 1969 |
109 Korea - Freedom Bridge
October 1969 |
110 Korea - Just left Freedom Bridge going to DdMZ (October 1969) |
111 Korea - north of Imjin River going to OP Mazie - October 1969 |
112 Korea - north of Imjin River going to OP Mazie - October 1969 |
113 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson reading after work near his bunk - September 1969 |
114 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson reading after work near his bunk - September 1969 |
115 Camp Ross, Korea - USO Show
"Musical Majority" from Sul Ross University (Texas) Gaby Ginn is the girl
November 1969
128 Camp Ross, Korea - field exercise
Novermber 1969 |
129 Camp Ross, Korea - the working tent of Jenk Stephenson
November 1969 |
131 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson at work in his office
November 1969 |
133 Camp Ross, Korea - Winterberg and Stephenson working late one night
November 1969 |
134 Camp Ross, Korea - Winterberg and Stephenson working late one night
November 1969 |
135 Camp Ross, Korea - small girl carrying clothes back to the village after washing them - November 1969 |
136 Camp Ross, Korea - just through the fence of our compound Korean women washing their clothes
November 1969 |
137 Camp Ross, Korea - Compound fence - in the background are the women washing clothes - November 1969 |
138 Camp Ross, Korea - Rice fields after the harvest but before the rice has been carried from the field
November 1969 |
139 Camp Ross, Korea - Rice fields after the harvest but before the rice has been carried from the field
November 1969 |
140 Camp Ross, Korea - Thanksgiving Day 1969 in the APO (Army Post Office) L to R: Mike Huffstetter, Tony Hartley, Ed Winterbert
November 1969 |
141 Camp Ross, Korea - Ed Winterberg his first Korean made suit
December 1969
142 Camp Ross, Korea - Ed Winterberg his first Korean made suit
December 1969 |
143 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson just outside the back door of the hootch - December 1969 |
145 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson just outside the back door of the hootch - December 1969 |
147 Camp Ross, Korea - inside the hootch - Ed Winterberg and Jenk Stephenson - Decmber 1969 |
148 Camp Ross, Korea - inside the hootch - Ed Winterberg and Jenk Stephenson - Decmber 1969 |
149 Camp Ross, Korea - Leroy Zikuhr sleeping inside the hootch
December 1969 |
151 Camp Ross, Korea - Leroy Zikuhr
December 1969 |
152 Camp Ross, Korea - immediately outside the front gate on the MSR - transportation of a hog
December 1969 |
153 2nd Infantry Division, Korea - Mama Son and Papa Son - statues behind Camp Houze and the Aviation Batallion
December 1969 |
154 2nd Infantry Division, Korea - Mama Son and Papa Son - statues behind Camp Houze and the Aviation Battalion
Jenk Stephenson on the top
December 1969 |
155 2nd Infantry Division, Korea - Mama Son and Papa Son - statues behind Camp Houze and the Aviation Battalion
Jenk Stephenson on the top
December 1969 |
156 Camp Ross, Korea - Christmas USO musical show
December 1969 |
157 Seoul, Korea - USO Club in Seoul with Colonel John J Tominac and Larry Davenport - Christmas Day
December 25, 1969 |
158 Camp Ross, Korea - Christmas Eve night 1969 - L to R: Mike Huffstetter, Jenk Stephenson, Larry Davenport, Leroy Zikuhr, Ed Winterberg, Dale Valentine, Sidney McLendon - inside our hootch - December 1969 |
159 Camp Ross, Korea - outside the compound in rice paddy - a stack of rice - Ed Winterberg and Jenk Stephenson
December 1969
160 Camp Ross, Korea - near the rice paddy - Tony Hartley, unknown Korean boy, and Ed Winterberg
December 1969 |
161 Camp Ross, Korea - Jenk Stephenson, unknown Korean boy, and Tony Hartley
December 1969 |
162 Camp Ross, Korea - Korean baby is house boy's son (Sin)
October 1969 |
163 Camp Ross, Korea - Sergent Major Sin (houseboy) family
October 1969 |