Pictures and Documents Pertaining to Each Individual


Smith_(Lynette_Stanley) - Jenk's first cousin

Stanley_(Maurice) - Jenk's first cousin

Stanley_(Lynda_Lucille_Stephenson) - Jenk's aunt

Stephenson_(Abraham) - info from Ed Barnes | Email | My note to Ed Barnes | - Jenk's 4th great grandfather

Stephenson_(Annie_Marinda_Elizabeth_Garrett) - Jenk's grandmother

Stephenson_(Benjamin_Thomas) 1788 - 1873 - Jenk's 3rd great grandfather

Stephenson_(Carolyn_Louise) - Carolyn | - Jenk's sister

Stephenson_(Charlie_Clinton) - Jenk's uncle

Stephenson_(Coy_Oliver) - Jenk's first cousin

Stephenson_(David_Lee) - Jenk's brother

Stephenson_(James_Clinton) - Jenk's first cousin

Stephenson_(James_Henry) - Jenk's brother

Stephenson_(Jerry_William) - Jenk's first cousin

Stephenson_(Jewel_Etha_Rich_Stephenson) - Jenk's mother

Stephenson_(Joe_Nathan) - Jenk's first cousin

Stephenson_(John_Sr.) - born bef 1634, died bef 1677 - Jenk's 8th great gandfather

Stephenson_(Johnnie Gail Anderson) - Jenk's sister-in-law

Stephenson_(Linda_Rebecca) - Jenk's sister -- see Linda_Rebecca_Stephenson_Litton - pictures until I can get them transferred here

Stephenson_(Marc_William) - Jenk Stephenson's son

Stephenson_(Maxwell_Dane) - Jenk's nephew


Stephenson--Samuel Jenkins (John)) -- Jenk's uncle

Stephenson_(Samuel_Walter) - Jenk's grandfather

Stephenson_(Tommy_Garret) - pictures until I can get them all transferred here - Jenk's brother

Stephenson_(Victor_Wiggins) - Brother of my grandfather, Samuel Walter Stephenson

Stephenson_(Walter_James_(Jim)_Stephenson)) - Jenk Stephenson's father

Stephenson_(Walter_Monroe_Stephenson) - Jenk's first cousin

Stephenson_(William Jenkins) - Jenk | more pictures-some duplicates |

Stephenson_(William_Nathan) - Jenk's uncle


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