John Stephenson

Born Bef 1634 and died Bef 1677

Dear Gary Julian, 6 Feb 2014

My name is Mark Valsame, and I live in Raleigh, NC. I'm an archivist at the North Carolina State Archives, and have been doing genealogical research on my ancestral lines for more than 35 years. I am a leading researcher of the Stephenson family in Johnston County, North Carolina. My distant cousin Gary Mack Stephenson (Kit # 181909) forwarded to me your e-mail concerning the I1 haplogroups at FTDNA and Gary took a 37 marker y-dna test in 2010 at my urging. I see that you are the contact person for Jan-Michael Stevenson (Kit # 225148), who is descended from Thomas C. ("Kit") Stevenson. The late archivist George Stevenson, who was a colleague of mine at the State Archives, was descended from this line.

All of the matches in Group II of the Stephenson/Stevenson DNA project appear to share common ancestry through John Stephenson (1656-1727; md. Elizabeth Edwards) of Isle of Wight County, Virginia. In spite of what appears repeatedly online on such sites like, John Stephenson of Isle of Wight County, Virginia was NOT the son of John Stevenson and his wife Elizabeth Boyd of Glasgow, Scotland. That couple's son John Stevenson married Janet Jack, and the christenings of his children are recorded in Glasgow parish registers long after the appearance of our ancestor John Stephenson/Stevenson in Virginia. In short, there is NO connection to the family in Glasgow.

In recent years, we have made some progress in establishing our Stephenson lineage one generation further back to John Stephenson of Lancaster County, Virginia and his wife Christian. The elder John Stephenson acquired 700 acres of land on Slaughter's Creek in Lancaster County, Virginia from William Clapham in July, 1654. In October, 1677, his widow Christian Stephenson appointed her 21 year old son John Stephenson (b. May 12, 1656) to sell the land of his father in Lancaster County, Virginia, relinquishing her right of dower and thirds to Thomas Paynes. It appears that the younger John Stephenson had arrived in Lancaster County, Virginia by May, 1678 as indicated by a headrights list, and soon thereafter became a servant. By September of that year, he was brought before the court for running away from his master Col. John Carter. His servitude was extended as punishment for running away. On February 12, 1678/79, John Steventon, by then a servant of court official Robert Griggs, was ordered to serve a seven years indenture. Two days previous to that date on February 10, 1678/79, John Stephenson of "Isle of Wight County, Virginia" conveyed his father's 700 acres on Slaughter's Creek in Lancaster County, VA to Robert Griggs and Thomas Paynes. It appears that Stephenson may have included Griggs in the land conveyance to partially satisfy his indentured servitude, and had already migrated to Isle of Wight County to avoid serving his remaining indenture. John Stephenson acquired his first land in Isle of Wight County, VA by April, 1680 from John and Sarah Wakefield. John Stephenson subsequently married Elizabeth Edwards, the daughter of Charles Edwards of Isle of Wight County. John Stephenson, along with another of John Carter's servants who had run away named Titus Turner, were both named as headrights by Rowland Bulkly in a 1682 land patent in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.

While I have not firmly established it, it appears possible that the elder John Stephenson may have been identical with John Stephens/Stevens of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia. John Stephens acquired a patent for 1000 acres of land on the Rappahannock River in Old Rappahannock County in March, 1657. He also obtained a patent for 653 acres in October, 1660. He subsequently sold the 1660 patent land to two mariners from Bristol in February, 1661/62. John Stephens also acquired 500 acres from Walter Granger in April, 1661. John Stephens devised a will on March 5, 1661/62 indicating his impending return to England, and left 500 acres each from his 1000 acre 1657 patent to John Fulcher (son-in-law of Richard Webley) and Alexander Dudley (son of Richard Dudley). He left Richard Webley the 500 acres bought from Granger in 1661. Richard Webley and Richard Dudley were left his livestock and remainder of his estate in Virginia. No family members are mentioned, nor is any land in Lancaster County. The will was not submitted for probate in Old Rappahannock County, Virginia court until almost 16 years later on February 5, 1677/78, roughly about the same time that the younger John Stephenson would have arrived in Virginia to sell his father's 700 acres in Lancaster County, Virginia. According to Coldham's "Complete Book of Emmigrants," a John Steventon sailed on the ship "Ann" from London to Virginia sometime between October 14th and December 6, 1677. This might be the younger John Stephenson. This is why I believe that John Stephenson of Lancaster County, Virginia and John Stephens of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia may be the same man.

I am also investigating a Captain John Stephens of the Chestnut Pinck/Pinnance, who sailed about April, 1662 with a fleet of ships on behalf of the British East India Company to Swally, India. Captain John Stephens evidently died in India a few years later. It is a possibility that he could be identical with John Stephens of Old Rappahannock County, VA/John Stephenson of Lancaster County, Virginia. Captain John Stephens/Stevens' widow Christian Stephens filed petitions with the British Treasury for claims made on behalf of her late husband's service with the fleet in India. There are various entries concerning payments made to her in the Treasury Books between 1680 and 1688. Whether this Captain John Stephens of the Chestnut Pinck is identical with our ancestor in Virginia has yet to be determined.

There are also parish register entries in the parish of St. Dunstan and All Saints Church in Stepney Parish in London for the baptisms or burials of several children of a John and Christian Stephenson/Stephens between 1642 and 1648. John Stephenson was listed as a shipwright. The burial of a widow Christian Stevens of Ratcliffe in Stepney Parish is also recorded in April, 1685. Whether this family is identical with John and Christian Stephenson of Virginia is also unknown at this time.

Here is a summary of most of the information above in a posting I made on GenForum in 2011.

I can supply original documentation for this information, if you desire.


Mark Valsame
Raleigh, NC