William Jenkins (Jenk) Stephenson

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Jenk - Gary - Beth - Tessa
Lubbock, Texas
Jenk - Gary - Tessa - Beth
Playing with the kids
6020 Orlando - Lubbock, Texas
snow on the ground
24720 Airville Ave, Newhall, CA
backyard June 1989
24720 Airville Ave - backyard
from a different angle
New Backyard walls - June 1989
to eliminate the slope
Patio top with grapevine
Jenk Stephnson & Beth - late 1980s
Jenk Stephenson - Late 1980s
Beth - Marc - Jenk - June 1989
Jenk doing his daily dishes
Jenk Stephenson - grading papers
June 1989
Jenk & Marc Stephenson
at the computer June 1989


Ann & Gary Thompson
Patty and Jenk Stephenson
Gary and Patty are first cousins
November 2019

In May of 2020 Beth and Nathan drove from Austin, Texas (non stop) during the pandemic for Mother's Day as a surprise. They stayed at our condo.
John and Linda Clark went with us to France in 2017 - this was our itenary for their 17 days -- we stayed a month longer
Jenk and Marc Stephenson
Father & son - April 2019
Austin, Texas
Tombstone in October 2019 - it was placed in the Arkansas Cemetery in 2010 - I started the project in 2007
The bamboo has grown back
Names of individuals buried here with out tombstones
More Information
Jenk Stephenson with his great grandfather's tombstone - Samuel Charles Stephenson - Arkansas Stephenson Cemetery October 2019
Jenk Stephenson with his great grandfather's tombstone - Samuel Charles Stephenson - Arkansas Stephenson Cemetery October 2019
Jenk Stephenson with the Hargis tombstone - Arkansas Stephenson Cemetery October 2019
Jenk Stephenson in the trees going to the Arkansas cemetery - October 2019
Jenk Stephenson at the Presidential Library of George H. W. Bush - November 2019
Jenk Stephenson at Yosmite National Park on December 8, 2019
Jenk Stephenson - Yosemite Falls Lodge
December 2019
Keiko and Jenk Stephenson - Jan 2018
Keiko is the daughter of Misako, a Japanese girl that stayed with us as an exchange student when she was 19
August 2019
Grand Canyon, Arizona
Jenk and daughter Beth
Father's Day 2019
Jenk Stephenson & Roland Waldrop
Roland was raised from age 4 by my grandparents - Oct 21, 2019
Jenk Stephenson & YaoSiping
Huntington Library - Dec 21, 2014
Jenk-Jerry-Shirley - Summer 2018
Jenk & Jerry are 1st cousins
Jenk & Patty Stephenson
Backyard May 22, 2020
Jenk Stephenson & Beth Mayberry
December 1963
Jenk & Amy (from Chna)
March 25, 2013 in China
Beth - Patty - Marc -Jenk Stephenson
2004 Stephenson Reunion Invitation
The Stephenson Cemetery was created about 1871
The field location of the Stephenson Cemetery as located in 2004 - It has now been reforrested with trees - The cemetery is located in the background of bamboo where the tall tree sticks up
Jenk Stephenson walked down the Bright Angel Trail about August 2009 - it was very hot
Jenk Stephenson 1964
High School picture
Jenk Stephenson
Faculty - Saugus High School
September 2000
Jenk Stephenson
Faculty - Hart High School - 1975
Business Department Colleagues
Jenk Stephenson
Monterey High School - 1962
Lubbock, Texas
Jenk Stephenson & Robena McCoy
First Cousins (about 1966)
Jenk Stephenson
Paducah High Senior 1964
Jenk & Patty Stephenson June 1976
Jenk Stephenson - late 1980s
In 1959 Jenk Stephenson wrote a school report about Abe Lincoln
Jenk Stephenson's Ancestral Line
2nd cousin 11 times removed
Cousins 1958
Linda, Uncle Charlie, Robena (standing), Lynette, Ray, Tom, Jim
Joe Nathan, Carolyn, Henry
McAdoo Farm
Jenk Stephenson
Henry Stephenson
Brothers, 2016
At a Chinese restaurant I met this Chinese man and he took scissors and made this cut-out of me (Jenk Stephenson)at the restaurant and gave it to me as a souvenior
Xi'an, China - 2011
Jenk & Patty Stephenson
on a swinging bridge in China
Jenk & Patty Stephenson

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