Bill Bolde Wall Board

On Thursday, June 1, 2012, the parents of former exchange studens that had traveled with Patty to either France or China gave her a surprise retirement party. Approximately 100 parents and students were in attendance for the evening surprrise. Bill Bolde, principal of Saugus High School, prepared a poster board with events of the China exchange. I've attempted a replication of that board here.



TEACHER.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. FRIEND
Bill, Jodie, Patty, Faith
Bolde Family Letter to Patty
Bill Bolde and Patty
Faith Bolde, Bill and Jodie's daughter
Bill and Patty in China
Bill Bolde and Patty Stephenson at the high school in China
Patty in San Francisco with students
Chinese with host families - 2005
Great Wall - Summer 2006
Chinese with host families - 2006
Bill & Patty on the Great Wall of China
Patty's mother, Angagh MacKellar, 80 plus years old, helping in her classroom
Skiing in Manmouth - 2006
Sacramento, California
Madame Wang and Patty Stephenson
Patty and Bill in China
Unknown, Patty, Sheying (Jane)
Patty, Fanhui, Jodie
Patty, Fanhui, group
Patty Stephenson in China
Chinese group at the White house in Sacramento
Patty, Sheying, Bill
Jodie, Bill, Faith, Patty, Chinese group at UCLA - 2005 with Xueting
Patty at the races
Patty, Madame Wang, Sheying (Jane)