Family heritage is a wonderful legacy to leave to future generations. I've collected a few here to share with you. Please share your stories about family members so that we may all be the richer for it. Email them to me (even about yourself) and we will all have them to enjoy. Everything here is for genealogical purposes only. You will need a pdf reader (like acrobat reader) to open some of the files.
William Ball of Virginia | Part
2 | Part
Bill and Leve Garrett
Edna Garrett Johnson -- Strangers
Clinton (Jim) Garrett - Annie Garrett Stephenson's brother
James L Garrett - (Sheriff shot,
McCrory Enterprise, November 15, 1912)
John Thomas Garrett
Livingston Garrett
William Clinton Garrett 1859-1954 | Clint
and Malinda Garrett | Table
Blessing |
Garrett Family Reunion
W. C. Garrett Family |
In Memory
of Forrest & Mamie Martin
Forrest Martin
Harry Martin
Annie Miranda Elizabeth
Garrett Stephenson (Ma's Poetry)
Roberts & Annie T Stephenson Roberts
Thomas Stephenson 1788-1873 - History Lines
Thomas Stephenson 1788-1873 - Compiled by Ed Barnes
Thomas Stephenson (1884 - 1972 ) Autobiography | Gilbert
Thomas Stephenson Short Biography | Newspaper1
| Newspaper2 |
James Henry Stephenson 1860-1941 | NC
Jewel Etha Rich
Stephenson (1925 - 1992)
Henrietta (Nettie)
Stephenson 1877 - 1903
Samuel Walter Stephenson 1878-1953 | Samuel
Walter Stephenson | Family
Tree of Walter Stephenson by Edna McCoy
Mamie & Vick
Garrett Stephenson (1952 - 2009)
James "Jim" Stephenson | - Memories
of My Dad | - Biography
Jenkins "Jenk" Stephenson Autobiography |
William Penn Yarbrough and Annie
Stephenson Yarbrough This information was obtained from Milton
Our Uncle Ben The Civil War Veteran | Uncle
Ben's Will | Civil War | Battle
of Spotsylvania Court House | Elmira
Prison Camp-1 | Elmira
Prison Camp-2 |
Pioneer Families
of Revel Arkansas by Milton Yarbrough
Life Story of Maud
Yarbrough Schwer by Janet Yarbrough
Life Story of Milton Yarbrough
Dillard Ewing Jones Arkansas History - Part1,
Part 2,
- about 1880
Decendents of John Jones
1750 - 1811 by Joyce Jones Logue
John N. Jones -
Family History
Dr. Alfred Jones
Tessa to David on their shared
birthday 12-8-2012
Cornelius Jones | Memoirs
of Willis Cornelius Jones |
World War II
Ration Books - from my cousin Robena McCoy Tooke
Newspaper Information
Beth's Trip to Switzerland
- August 2009
I've spent a good portion of my life gathering information on my family and extended relatives--in other words genealogy. Along the way I've had help from many others. Some have contributed significantly while others were small but just as meaningful. The smaller contributions have been integrated into my existing family information.
Below are some people that have contributed significantly.